Wednesday, June 4, 2014


What a wonderful way to celebrate
the end of the year!  Almost 6th graders!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Play Day 2014

A HUGE thank you to all the PE teachers for making this year's Play Day such a wonderfully fun event!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Jade and Noemi's Weekly Update...

Hi, this is Noemi and Jade telling you about our fantastic week. Unfortunately, the school year will be over soon, so this will be the last Weekly Update. We had many highlights of our week as our week had been great. Some awesome things were visiting the Middle School library, the very last Grammar Challenge of the entire school year, and play day. These were the things that really stood out in our week. Hopefully, everyone enjoyed the week and had a great time.    

We are almost at the end of the school year, which means that we are going to have to go into Middle School soon. Which means we are going to have a different library, that means that we got to visit the Middle School library! There were about three classes that got to visit the library at the same time, which meant that it was super crowded. We all thought that the library looked really cool. It was definitely bigger than the library that we had for the past three years. The Middle School library also had many cool designs painted on the walls. One room had the solar system painted on the walls. The best part about moving into Middle School is that you can check out ten books at a time and you can check books out for summer vacation. The middle school library is huge! Some of the teachers showed us a video of the three finalists for Book Idol, the winner of the book contest was… The Hunger Games! Click here to watch the video. We had lots of fun there and we all (hopefully) are looking forward to moving into Middle School.

Our whole class was super excited and nervous for our very last grammar challenge for the whole entire year! In case you’re wondering, the Grammar Challenge is a competition between the boys and the girls, in which we correct grammar mistakes and compete for points. This round would determine whether the girls or the boys would win after four long weeks of competition. The speakers for this week were Noemi, who was representing the girls’ team, and Johan, who was representing the boys’ team. A big round of applause for our fantastic speakers! We battled it out and at the end the girls won for the third time this school year! That meant that the girls’ team won a Subway party! Congratulations to the girls’ team and boys’ team for trying their best and doing really well.

What time of the year do the Elementary students get to have fun and play on the High school field? What is full of water, buckets, and popsicles? 5...4...3...2...1...Play Day! Every year, all the grades from kindergarten~4th grade gets to head down to the high school field for 90 minutes. The 5th grade students got an extra 15 minutes. There are tons of different stations such as: Musical buckets, tug-a-war, and relay races. Here is what some of the kids who participated in playday thought were really enjoyable: “ I like the sponge race”, “ I thought that musical buckets was a ton of fun”, and “ Out of all the things that were available at playday, my favourite station was when the classes went against each other in tug-a-war.” It seems like everyone enjoyed Play Day. However, we are in 5th grade and there is no Play Day in Middle School. This was our last Play Day and we definitely enjoyed it.

This week has been super fun, and sadly it’s over. Throughout the week we have had an awesome visit to the Middle School library, the final Grammar Challenge, and Play Day! This is the last Weekly Update of the school year which means that it is the end of the year soon. Mrs. Clayton will be moving soon. We will all miss our wonderful teacher and the students that are moving (Julia, Alyssa, and Meaghan). Good luck to them at their new school. We hope that this week week has been as enjoyable for everyone as it was for us. Good luck and have fun in 6th grade!

Where Are You?

Where in your life have you stepped outside of your comfort zone and experiences some magic?  Maybe at school or playing a sport or trying something new?  I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and find where the magic happens!  Let us know when you've experience a bit of magic in your world!